At present there are 4 Firmware which are patchable they are
Patches are available for download here
Now, we have 38 patches for S5620MFJF1 and lesser for Other firmwares. So here we start.
1. Master patch:
Discription : require for active all patches.
2. ReplaceSwf2Ffs:
Discription : changes the location of Gadget and Menu flash files (SWF) to Media/Res/Flash. Files must to changed name to Gadget.swf and MainMenu_CM.swf. If that files (or folder) will not be detected, it will load standart Gadget, and don't have a Menu.
3. Font:
Discription - Change font style, just copy new font (changed name to: Cool50_Dial.ttf and CoolM_EUCJK.ttf) to Media/Res/Font folder.
4. VideoSizeLarge:
Discription : make your phone can view 240*400 video resolution.
5. DeleteJavaPopup:
Discription : disables requests to the user in Java apps.
6. VibOnCall:
Discription : making the phone vibrate when they picked up. (some one help me explain :( )
7. KeyLockVib:
Discription : making the phone vibrate when lock and unlock.
8. SaveCallLog:
Discription : the call log is not cleared after changing sim card and in a mode without a SIM card.
9. LockedJavaOnMmc:
Discription : Makes it possible to install Java applications on a memory card (MMC/Java/Locked).
instruction to install Java apps on Memory card:
step1: Create folder named Java on Memory card, enter that folder and create Locked folder.
step2: Enter Locked folder and Create folder with any name you want to see in "Games".
step3: Put both file .jar and .jad to that folder you created in step2.
step4: Go to keypad, type: * # 7092463 * #>> 5. DB management>> Update DB>> Java.
step5: After that, go to "Games" and enjoy.
10. PowerSaveMode:
Discription : The patch removes the limitation on the use of phone features in economy mode (low battery).
11. JavaLcdOff:
Discription : The patch fixes the lights in Java-applications. Now the lights go out according to the phone settings.
12. CheckSignOff:
Discription : The patch removes the question of "content is not signed. Continue?" when installing java-applications.
13. FlashPlayer:
Discription : The patch changes the path to the flash drive Help.swf on Media / Res /
and renames it FlashPlayer.swf
the archive is an example
with it in a folder RES Throws games with names 1.swf, 2.swf, 3.swf etc. to 14.swf with a resolution of more than 600 * 430
14. ColourTab:
Discription : Loads the color of the file / Media / Res / Color.bin
+ Sources in the archives for the Monte
+ Color.bin from Fearmaker in orange tones.
15. JavaHideSilentPopup:
Discription : Now when you run Java-based applications in a mode without sound will not matter "Play sound in silent mode?". Sounds will not play.
16. Relocate ActiveSync Folder:
Discription : Move the folder from the / mount / MMC / in Media / Res . After installing the patch, delete the folder from flehi.
Remove completely did not, there is some kind of temporary files, so that just suffered what would your eyes are not corn.
17. Change Calc:
Discription : The patch replaces the standard calculator to a version the user. To do this, you need a phone to create a folder: Res and it put the file
18. KeyHoldTaskMgr:
Discription : The patch allows you to run Task Manager by briefly pressing the button key lock. The patch offers quite large, for example, allows you to roll up and then come back on almost every menu item, a set of SMS, camera, Java, etc., as well as to fully use your phone during a call. Zablokirovka keyboard is now done holding the same button.
19. MyFiles:
Discription : Patch to change the path to the file MyFiles.swf
"System / Flash / MyFiles /" to "media / RES / Flash /"
20. DeleteSThumbDB:
Discription : The patch removes SThumbDB.tdb Memory card.
21. RadioWoHeadset:
Discription : The patch allows you to listen to the radio without headphones.
22. ScreenShot:
Discription : The patch allows you to take screenshots of your phone screen. Activates the command AT + SUBLCD a modem port. Screenshot is saved in a folder / Media / Other files / scr.bin. Before removing the screenshot disable MTP Screen Block using the code * # 6870 # to access the phone features in the mode of connection to the PC.
23. BackKeyTaskMgr:
Discription : The patch allows you to run the task manager holding the central button.
Do not use with a patch KeyHoldTaskMgr .
24. MissedCallReport:
Discription : The patch adds a feature phone notification of the missed call. If there is a missed call, the phone informs about every minute beep and vibration or vibration only (if activated MP3 player, in Java, in a mode without sound). Sound notification should be in / Media/Res/Sound/MissCall.mp3. Notification is carried out as long as you do not go into a call log or return the call to a subscriber whose call missed.
25. FreeOfflineMode:
Discription : The patch allows you to fully use the radio and bluetooth in standalone mode.
26. CameraBGM:
Discription : The patch allows the background playback player and radio in the camera mode.
27. RemoveIncreaseRing:
Discription : Now the phone when an incoming call ring tone will be played directly on the volume, which is set in the profile settings, if the signal is not selected growing melody.
28. Change SWF 1:
Discription : This Patch is the upgraded version of ReplaceSwf2Ffs patch. Does the same as ReplaceSwf2Ffs patch i.e. changes the location of Gadget and Menu flash files (SWF) to Media/Res/Flash. Files must to changed name to Gadget.swf and MainMenu_CM.swf. If that files (or folder) will not be detected, it will load standart Gadget, and don't have a Menu.
Condition: See note at the end
29. Change SWF2:
Discription : Updated version of Change SWF1. This patch allows you to load the res/flash folder from the memory card. Now you can put the res/flash folder containing all the required file of a mod in the memory card, paste the folder in the root directory of the memory card.
30. TalkAon:
Discription : The patch adds a telephone number or function of pronunciation caller name for incoming calls. While only a voice - if ringing melody or vibration + melody. In the latter case, the pronunciation is against the background of an incoming call vibration. If the folder / Media / Res / Sound / file exists nomer_abonenta.mp3 (necessarily with constant bitrate, name - taking into account the mask), it will be played, otherwise the room will be said according to the settings in the file / Media / Res / Config / talk_aon. cfg . If this file is not found, for pronunciation will be chosen configuration of the patch - the last 10 digits. These settings will be used if the file is not found a mask for the current issue. At the time of pronunciation features of the phone numbers are not blocked, and you can answer a call while pronunciation is not completed. To work you must copy the patch file talk_aon.mp3 in the folder / Media / Res / Sound / phone. The archive with a patch program for creating talk_aon.cfg and talk_aon.mp3 and instructions. Paragraph Sound patch the configurator is not used. For correct operation of the necessary patches MasterPatch and Talker v.03 .
31. AddThemes:
Discription : The patch adds an item in my theme settings will be deleted 3 additional subjects. Can switch between them right here without resetting and prekonfiguratsy.
32. SmartHandsfree:
Discription : When phone is locked holding the key on the headset with active MP3 player will jump to the next track.
33. KeyMusicControl:
Discription : Allows you to control the player in the locked mode, a call key (previous track), Back (pause / play), End key (next track).
34. NewPhoneLock:
Discription : Now Screen Lock - USB flash drive in the / Media / Res / Flash / PhoneLock.swf. But: there is no display of missed events (and not likely to be) area in the center of the screen is given to intellectual unlock, so in their USB flash drives have or will adjust or disable smart unlock the settings - there's nothing more to think, and perhaps this is why the standard window blocking was done not to flush. The command to unlock - fscommand ("Send", "KeyUnlock"). To work needed MasterPatch .
35. Change_7092463_1111111:
Discription : The patch replaces the combination to enter the service menu * # 7092463 * # to * # 1111111 at * #.
36. ChangeBTWlan:
Discription : The patch replaces the path of Bluetooth and Wlan.
Keep the Bluetooth.swf and Wlan.swf in / Media / Res / Flash (Phone Memory).
37. SndLevelFromSettings:
Discription : After installing the patch, the volume of sounds in all the existing sound patches will depend on the volume settings of sounds the phone.
38. Talker:
Discription : The patch adds the phone function of the current time voice pronunciation (required for correct operation of the patch BackKeyTaskMgr , SndLevelFromSettings ). Called a short pressing the "back" on your desktop. Pressing the playback stops. At the time of playback functions of the phone is not locked. In silent mode, a window appears that in silent mode to disable. File talker.mp3 of the patch tarball copy of / Media / Res / Sound /. The patch requires 60 Kbytes of free space on your phone.
For using ReplaceSwf2Ffs, Change SWF v1 and Change SWF v2.
You can use any on of the patches. if you use more than one patch "Change SWF v1" will override and the res/flash folder would be loaded fron the phone or the default folder will be loaded.
For using KeyHoldTaskMgr & BackKeyTaskMgr
You can use only one of the patch at a time.
Patch Menu Details:
Go to patch menu:
Power off the phone and power on using combine: "Lock button" + "Power On/Off button"
* Vol + to up
* Vol - to down.
Save: LOCK button.
Select: CAMERA button
Go Back: CALL button
Next page: MIDDLE button
Download Source Files Here
1. Source Files (SMP) for S5620MFJF1 (38 smp)
Download : source files for S5620MFJF1.rar
2. Source Files (SMP) for S5620XEJE1 (18 smp)
Download :
or source files for S5620XEJE1.rar
3. Source Files (SMP) for S5620XEJB3 (31 smp)
Download : Source Files for S5620XEJB3.rar
4. Source Files (SMP) for S5620XXJA4 (8 smp)
Download : source files for S5620XXJA4.rar
Download QUB, Multiloader and TkFileExplorer Here
QUB v0.2 - v0.2.rar
QUB v0.3 - v.0.3.rar
Multiloader v5.56 - v5.56.exe
Multiloader v5.62 -
Multiloader v5.64 - 5.64.exe
Multiloader v5.65 - V.5.65.EXE
TkFileExplorer v2.2 - with patch.rar
Patches are available for download here
Now, we have 38 patches for S5620MFJF1 and lesser for Other firmwares. So here we start.
1. Master patch:
Discription : require for active all patches.
2. ReplaceSwf2Ffs:
Discription : changes the location of Gadget and Menu flash files (SWF) to Media/Res/Flash. Files must to changed name to Gadget.swf and MainMenu_CM.swf. If that files (or folder) will not be detected, it will load standart Gadget, and don't have a Menu.
3. Font:
Discription - Change font style, just copy new font (changed name to: Cool50_Dial.ttf and CoolM_EUCJK.ttf) to Media/Res/Font folder.
4. VideoSizeLarge:
Discription : make your phone can view 240*400 video resolution.
5. DeleteJavaPopup:
Discription : disables requests to the user in Java apps.
6. VibOnCall:
Discription : making the phone vibrate when they picked up. (some one help me explain :( )
7. KeyLockVib:
Discription : making the phone vibrate when lock and unlock.
8. SaveCallLog:
Discription : the call log is not cleared after changing sim card and in a mode without a SIM card.
9. LockedJavaOnMmc:
Discription : Makes it possible to install Java applications on a memory card (MMC/Java/Locked).
instruction to install Java apps on Memory card:
step1: Create folder named Java on Memory card, enter that folder and create Locked folder.
step2: Enter Locked folder and Create folder with any name you want to see in "Games".
step3: Put both file .jar and .jad to that folder you created in step2.
step4: Go to keypad, type: * # 7092463 * #>> 5. DB management>> Update DB>> Java.
step5: After that, go to "Games" and enjoy.
10. PowerSaveMode:
Discription : The patch removes the limitation on the use of phone features in economy mode (low battery).
11. JavaLcdOff:
Discription : The patch fixes the lights in Java-applications. Now the lights go out according to the phone settings.
12. CheckSignOff:
Discription : The patch removes the question of "content is not signed. Continue?" when installing java-applications.
13. FlashPlayer:
Discription : The patch changes the path to the flash drive Help.swf on Media / Res /
and renames it FlashPlayer.swf
the archive is an example
with it in a folder RES Throws games with names 1.swf, 2.swf, 3.swf etc. to 14.swf with a resolution of more than 600 * 430
14. ColourTab:
Discription : Loads the color of the file / Media / Res / Color.bin
+ Sources in the archives for the Monte
+ Color.bin from Fearmaker in orange tones.
15. JavaHideSilentPopup:
Discription : Now when you run Java-based applications in a mode without sound will not matter "Play sound in silent mode?". Sounds will not play.
16. Relocate ActiveSync Folder:
Discription : Move the folder from the / mount / MMC / in Media / Res . After installing the patch, delete the folder from flehi.
Remove completely did not, there is some kind of temporary files, so that just suffered what would your eyes are not corn.
17. Change Calc:
Discription : The patch replaces the standard calculator to a version the user. To do this, you need a phone to create a folder: Res and it put the file
18. KeyHoldTaskMgr:
Discription : The patch allows you to run Task Manager by briefly pressing the button key lock. The patch offers quite large, for example, allows you to roll up and then come back on almost every menu item, a set of SMS, camera, Java, etc., as well as to fully use your phone during a call. Zablokirovka keyboard is now done holding the same button.
19. MyFiles:
Discription : Patch to change the path to the file MyFiles.swf
"System / Flash / MyFiles /" to "media / RES / Flash /"
20. DeleteSThumbDB:
Discription : The patch removes SThumbDB.tdb Memory card.
21. RadioWoHeadset:
Discription : The patch allows you to listen to the radio without headphones.
22. ScreenShot:
Discription : The patch allows you to take screenshots of your phone screen. Activates the command AT + SUBLCD a modem port. Screenshot is saved in a folder / Media / Other files / scr.bin. Before removing the screenshot disable MTP Screen Block using the code * # 6870 # to access the phone features in the mode of connection to the PC.
23. BackKeyTaskMgr:
Discription : The patch allows you to run the task manager holding the central button.
Do not use with a patch KeyHoldTaskMgr .
24. MissedCallReport:
Discription : The patch adds a feature phone notification of the missed call. If there is a missed call, the phone informs about every minute beep and vibration or vibration only (if activated MP3 player, in Java, in a mode without sound). Sound notification should be in / Media/Res/Sound/MissCall.mp3. Notification is carried out as long as you do not go into a call log or return the call to a subscriber whose call missed.
25. FreeOfflineMode:
Discription : The patch allows you to fully use the radio and bluetooth in standalone mode.
26. CameraBGM:
Discription : The patch allows the background playback player and radio in the camera mode.
27. RemoveIncreaseRing:
Discription : Now the phone when an incoming call ring tone will be played directly on the volume, which is set in the profile settings, if the signal is not selected growing melody.
28. Change SWF 1:
Discription : This Patch is the upgraded version of ReplaceSwf2Ffs patch. Does the same as ReplaceSwf2Ffs patch i.e. changes the location of Gadget and Menu flash files (SWF) to Media/Res/Flash. Files must to changed name to Gadget.swf and MainMenu_CM.swf. If that files (or folder) will not be detected, it will load standart Gadget, and don't have a Menu.
Condition: See note at the end
29. Change SWF2:
Discription : Updated version of Change SWF1. This patch allows you to load the res/flash folder from the memory card. Now you can put the res/flash folder containing all the required file of a mod in the memory card, paste the folder in the root directory of the memory card.
30. TalkAon:
Discription : The patch adds a telephone number or function of pronunciation caller name for incoming calls. While only a voice - if ringing melody or vibration + melody. In the latter case, the pronunciation is against the background of an incoming call vibration. If the folder / Media / Res / Sound / file exists nomer_abonenta.mp3 (necessarily with constant bitrate, name - taking into account the mask), it will be played, otherwise the room will be said according to the settings in the file / Media / Res / Config / talk_aon. cfg . If this file is not found, for pronunciation will be chosen configuration of the patch - the last 10 digits. These settings will be used if the file is not found a mask for the current issue. At the time of pronunciation features of the phone numbers are not blocked, and you can answer a call while pronunciation is not completed. To work you must copy the patch file talk_aon.mp3 in the folder / Media / Res / Sound / phone. The archive with a patch program for creating talk_aon.cfg and talk_aon.mp3 and instructions. Paragraph Sound patch the configurator is not used. For correct operation of the necessary patches MasterPatch and Talker v.03 .
31. AddThemes:
Discription : The patch adds an item in my theme settings will be deleted 3 additional subjects. Can switch between them right here without resetting and prekonfiguratsy.
32. SmartHandsfree:
Discription : When phone is locked holding the key on the headset with active MP3 player will jump to the next track.
33. KeyMusicControl:
Discription : Allows you to control the player in the locked mode, a call key (previous track), Back (pause / play), End key (next track).
34. NewPhoneLock:
Discription : Now Screen Lock - USB flash drive in the / Media / Res / Flash / PhoneLock.swf. But: there is no display of missed events (and not likely to be) area in the center of the screen is given to intellectual unlock, so in their USB flash drives have or will adjust or disable smart unlock the settings - there's nothing more to think, and perhaps this is why the standard window blocking was done not to flush. The command to unlock - fscommand ("Send", "KeyUnlock"). To work needed MasterPatch .
35. Change_7092463_1111111:
Discription : The patch replaces the combination to enter the service menu * # 7092463 * # to * # 1111111 at * #.
36. ChangeBTWlan:
Discription : The patch replaces the path of Bluetooth and Wlan.
Keep the Bluetooth.swf and Wlan.swf in / Media / Res / Flash (Phone Memory).
37. SndLevelFromSettings:
Discription : After installing the patch, the volume of sounds in all the existing sound patches will depend on the volume settings of sounds the phone.
38. Talker:
Discription : The patch adds the phone function of the current time voice pronunciation (required for correct operation of the patch BackKeyTaskMgr , SndLevelFromSettings ). Called a short pressing the "back" on your desktop. Pressing the playback stops. At the time of playback functions of the phone is not locked. In silent mode, a window appears that in silent mode to disable. File talker.mp3 of the patch tarball copy of / Media / Res / Sound /. The patch requires 60 Kbytes of free space on your phone.
For using ReplaceSwf2Ffs, Change SWF v1 and Change SWF v2.
You can use any on of the patches. if you use more than one patch "Change SWF v1" will override and the res/flash folder would be loaded fron the phone or the default folder will be loaded.
For using KeyHoldTaskMgr & BackKeyTaskMgr
You can use only one of the patch at a time.
Patch Menu Details:
Go to patch menu:
Power off the phone and power on using combine: "Lock button" + "Power On/Off button"
* Vol + to up
* Vol - to down.
Save: LOCK button.
Select: CAMERA button
Go Back: CALL button
Next page: MIDDLE button
Download Source Files Here
1. Source Files (SMP) for S5620MFJF1 (38 smp)
Download : source files for S5620MFJF1.rar
2. Source Files (SMP) for S5620XEJE1 (18 smp)
Download :
or source files for S5620XEJE1.rar
3. Source Files (SMP) for S5620XEJB3 (31 smp)
Download : Source Files for S5620XEJB3.rar
4. Source Files (SMP) for S5620XXJA4 (8 smp)
Download : source files for S5620XXJA4.rar
Download QUB, Multiloader and TkFileExplorer Here
QUB v0.2 - v0.2.rar
QUB v0.3 - v.0.3.rar
Multiloader v5.56 - v5.56.exe
Multiloader v5.62 -
Multiloader v5.64 - 5.64.exe
Multiloader v5.65 - V.5.65.EXE
TkFileExplorer v2.2 - with patch.rar