Sunday, November 27, 2011

!!Landscape Mod!! "FREEWILL" !!Only Gadget now!!

Hello friends my exams are over and i m back to work on mods.
This is my latest mod for monte "FREEWILL"
Its just the start of a new idea and have many changes in the process of making.
At present it has.
1. Custom Lock "landscape mod".
2. Idle Gadget page.
3. 8 Pages Gadget.
4. Slides both ways (i.e slide from page 1 to page 8 and vise versa)
5. Wallpaper change in Idle gadget.
Will be add next
1. Settings Page
2. Drag down menu for Idle gadget page.
3. Weather Widget Page.
4. Multiple Docks.
5. 5 Widgets
6. Landscape Menu
7. and some more.
Patch required 
1. ChangeSWF v1.0
2. Font Patch
3. New Lock Patch

How to install
Place the res folder in the phone memory, and restart. (Only for Patch FW)
Mainly created for S5620MFJF1 but can be used with XEJE1 and other 2 Patched firmware but the custom lock will not work.

How to use
1. to use the lock just press the default lock button on the phone.
2. In the idle gadget tap on the centre of the screen to go to 8 page gadget.
Here's the Preview

Patches for MFJF1 and Mod Mod and Patch.rar
Mod only

Note: After Patching go to patch menu do the following
1. Disable "ChangeSWF v2.0" Patch (By default it is enabled)
2. Enable "ChangeSWF v1.0" Patch (By default it is Disabled)


  1. 1. Disable "ChangeSWF v2.0" Patch (By default it is enabled)
    2. Enable "ChangeSWF v1.0" Patch (By default it is Disabled)
    how to do this......can u please tell me

  2. Hai subhash i m using xxje4 fw but you tube and other video streaming is not working.... can u help me.... if not then tell me the other best fw

  3. To Mr.X
    I would suggest you to use S5620MFJF1 FW it is the best FW for Mod.

    To Rajat
    to go to patch menu shut down you phone then press lock button and start button at the same time and keep it press till the boot loader screen, you will see the patch menu.
    to navigate
    use vol up and down to move up or down.
    use lock key to save settings.
    use call button and center button to goto previous page and next page.

    To senceless
    Thanks for appreciation.

  4. ya subhash i read ur all post from then only i know about fw but on mods monte get slow i used all ur mod........ thats why i get back to simple xeje1 fw ....... can u tell me how to speed up after patching mod....... slow phones make headech....... and one more word to explain ur good work u r good

  5. plz tell me how to install monte 3d mod?

  6. Hi, my screen turned green and blue, what should i do? :)

  7. @ Jewai
    Can you exactly tell me what did you do to your phone, then only i can help you.

    @ Pardhu
    give me your email id and i'll mail you the procedure.

    @ X
    Use the patch which you actually use and turn off the patches which you dont need. try to keep the number to minimum i.e. 5 or 7 patches.
    not all the mods are slow.
    if you are using android style mod try to use minimum widgets.

  8. Yeah got it going BUT how do I crack Activation ?

  9. that was route66

  10. link is not working. can u provide a new link........


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